About This Webinar

24 November 2022 | 09:30 - 10:15

Since the pandemic took hold, the profile and role that technology can play in care has increased. With the continual development of care centred applications, technology is now seen as an enabler towards better care outcomes, whilst also allowing residents to be remain connected to a wider community.

When designing retirement and residential care it is important to consider both current and future IT connectivity, bearing in mind the ever increasing number of devices and applications vying for connectivity.

In this latest webinar Louise Drew, Partner and Head of Building Communities at Shakespeare Martineau was joined by Paula Broadbent, Managing Director at Lovell Later Living, Simon Hayler, Director at GMH Care, Jeremy Porteus, Chief Executive at HousingLIN and Edward Russell, Chief Executive at WCS Care.

The panel shared their views on the importance of technology in the care of our ageing population and how it’s been implemented through innovations hubs, what the tech space could look like in the next 10 years and the infrastructure needed to enable tech to be fit for purpose for the future.

Key Topics Covered
  • An overview of TAPPI principles

  • Operational views from a private developer and the provider of an innovation suite – what works and what doesn’t

  • Forward look at technology and the infrastructure required to ensure its fit for purpose

Who Should Attend

Registered providers, investors, private developers, care home operators and social housing providers.

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Later Living

Our experience in social housing and understanding of many different delivery models means we are an ideal legal partner for your later living concept.

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