Pre and postnuptial agreement Solicitors

A way to get your marital finances in order - before or after you say "I do"

Our prenup & postnup specialists can help protect your future

When looking forward to getting married, or happily living with your spouse or partner, wondering what will happen if you were to break up may not be front of mind. As unromantic as it is, it is a wise consideration to protect your finances should this happen.

Prenuptial (prenup) and postnuptial (postnup) agreements will help you to do this, but for these agreements to be robust and legally binding it is vital you are advised by an experienced legal team.

We help you gain assurance by having a prenuptial agreement drawn up before your marriage or a postnuptial agreement can be reached after you have already gotten married. Civil partnership couples also benefit from making a pre- or postnuptial agreement. Our expertise lies in helping you secure your future by avoiding uncertainty and argument over finances if your relationship ends.

Our pre-and postnup lawyers work with you to prepare a clear, properly drafted document that will either influence the outcome of a court decision or be followed exactly on separation. Failure to have a pre- or postnuptial agreement in place can leave you open to an unpredictable courtroom deciding your financial fate if things go wrong.

Looking for fast free advice? Visit our importance of the pre-nup guide to help answer your frequently asked questions.

Need further help? Call our specialist prenup and postnup solicitors now on 0330 024 033 or contact using the button below and one of our family experts will call you back.

Wherever you are on your journey, our legal advisors can help. Call us today on 0330 024 0333 or use the button below to complete our contact form.

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How our Pre and postnuptial agreement experts can help

Pre and postnuptial agreements: when they are needed

Often our clients are getting married for the second or third time and want to preserve assets for children they already have. Or perhaps you might have business interests or inherited wealth that is not for sharing if the relationship broke down. Whatever the reason, our pre- and postnuptial agreement solicitors can help with agreements that can cover all of your assets or just key elements you want to protect.

Working to protect your financial future

Pre- and postnuptial agreements are not legally binding, that’s true. However, they are increasingly viewed as practical tools which carry considerable weight, as long as they are done correctly. We can guide you through the process of drawing up an agreement for your particular circumstances, ensuring the outcome is right for you, your family and your future.

Why choose Shakespeare Martineau?

  • Our pre-and postnuptial agreement lawyers have extensive experience in handling the intricacies of family law, particularly in relation to securing your financial future.
  • We bring a personal approach to all of our work, providing sensitive and compassionate advice.
  • Having helped many aspiring parents with prenuptial and postnuptial agreements in the past, we are confident that our team will achieve the right results for you and your family.
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Pre and postnuptial agreement frequently asked questions

A prenup agreement is a legal agreement made between two individuals before their marriage, setting how any assets are to be divided should they later on divorce or separate. It can detail how the couple currently arrange their finances and how this will work during their marriage. This is particularly relevant to couples who may be marrying for the second time and want to protect assets for children from a previous relationship, for example.

A postnuptial agreement is similar to the more commonly recognised prenup but is entered into after the marriage or civil partnership has occurred.

The purpose of the postnuptial agreement is to record the agreement reached between a couple in relation to what will happen to their finances, should the marriage break down. 

Some couples who have already entered into a prenup choose to enter into a further postnup to confirm the arrangements still stand. 

To be upheld, as with a prenup, a postnup must be entered into fairly, after independent legal advice.

Prenups are not yet legally binding in English law but they are becoming increasing upheld provided that they are entered into fairly and on a voluntary basis and both parties have received independent legal advice before doing so.

Prenups do not overrule a court’s decision on financial arrangements on divorce but they do carry some influence.

A prenuptial agreement sets out which party owns or will own certain assets on a future breakdown of the marriage. It can also include income, such as treatment of earnings and future earnings and financial provision for existing children.

Significant changes in circumstances during the marriage, including the birth of children, are usually dealt with by reviewing the agreement at regular intervals.

Your legal representative should ask your partner to explain what aspects of the pre-nuptial agreement they do not agree with.

The terms of the pre-nuptial agreement can then be re-negotiated (if necessary) and once both parties are in agreement with the wording, your partner should then feel in a position to be able to sign the document.

Ultimately, both parties need to enter into a pre-nuptial agreement of their own free will and volition and therefore if either party does not wish to enter into the agreement, they cannot be forced to do so.

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How the Pre and postnuptial agreement process works

Not everyone is aware of how the process of engaging Pre and postnuptial agreement solicitors works, so we’ve provided an overview below to give you some peace of mind

  1. The first stage is to get in touch with us using the button below – you will then be assigned to one of our Pre and postnuptial agreement specialists. Alternatively, you can reach us on 0330 024 0333.

  2. You’ll then receive a free 15-minute consultation within 24 hours via Zoom or telephone to discuss the issues you’re facing.

  3. You are then provided with a transparent breakdown of our costs and, if you would like to proceed, we send you a pack of onboarding documents

  4. Following this, we will guide and support you through the process of achieving a resolution that works for you and your family.

Wherever you are on your journey, our Pre and postnuptial agreement specialists are here to answer any questions you might have

If you’d like to speak to a member of our team, please fill out the enquiry form. We will aim to reply to your query within 2 hours

Need to talk to someone sooner? You can call use at the number below

Call Us: 0330 024 0333

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Our latest Pre and postnuptial agreement updates

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