It is estimated that substandard housing costs the NHS £1.4billion every year
Overwhelmingly our research reveals the disconnect between the public and housing provider perceptions of the sector. More must be done by the sector as a whole to bridge the gap. The public is unsure about the benefits and services provided by retirement housing schemes – often confusing them with care homes and nursing homes to the detriment of the sector.
In this report, we will explore this disparity, specifically, the way the sector is described, awareness of the benefits and services on offer, the perception of what ‘type’ of person would benefit from retirement housing and public understanding of retirement property tenures.
We consult experts from across the industry - including representatives from Housing 21, Lifestory Group, Housing LIN (Learning and Improvement Network), Orbit Group, Elderly Accommodation Counsel, the Local Government Association, the Chartered Institute of Housing and Shakespeare Martineau - and outline the need for clarity in messaging and a benefits – not age-focused – approach to marketing and targeting. We outline how the sector can make retirement housing aspirational and not a sign of crisis or defeat through marketing and education, and identify the demographics that need the greatest education around the benefits and how best to market to them – based on our research. As well as potentially missed opportunities of where to build and when to include higher end facilities and services.