About This Conference

8 February 2024 | 08:30 - 15:00

Shakespeare Martineau will be attending and presenting at the Lincolnshire Farming Conference on 8 February 2024.

A key date in the annual farming calendar, the Lincolnshire Farming Conference features talks from a number of captivating speakers, case studies, and one to one sessions with industry experts. This years title and theme is Future Farming Opportunities: Biodiversity & Carbon.

As direct payments to farmers reduce and, nature markets emerge, what are the opportunities for all farmers? The Lincolnshire Farming Conference 2024 brings together a selection of speakers to highlight some of the current environmental opportunities for the rural sector. Businesses will need to ensure they build resilience for future sustainability. Whatever the political party, the direction of travel is clear and focuses on looking to achieve the environmental targets that have been set, alongside the additional land uses of maintaining food and energy production and development.

The event will commence with topical workshops hosted by the sponsors, including representatives from Shakespeare Martineau, followed by a full conference programme. There will also be a number of exhibitors for delegates to visit and network with. BASIS and NRoSO points are available for attending the conference. 

Tickets prices: General Admission £15, Student £6, entrance is free for LAS Members.

Key Topics Covered
  • BNG, Carbon, Voluntary Biodiversity Markets – "What on earth does this mean to me? I just want to farm!"

  • Climate Smart Farming – Future food solutions that do not cost the Earth

  • Cultivating Change: Rethinking farmed peatlands

Who Should Attend

Farmers, land owners, landed estates and farming agents

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