Charity Legacy Management

We understand the importance of legacy income for our charity clients, and how crucial it is to consider the risks and regulations involved

In some instances, it can be difficult to receive legacy payments, especially if executors are slow or another party has threatened litigation.

While there has been an increase in charitable gifts left in wills throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, this could give rise to further charity legacy disputes and a higher level of competition within the sector itself.

As such, we recognise the need for innovative, pragmatic support and advice regarding the legacy sector, and our team’s experience in estate administration and other contentious probate issues enables us to provide this.

Our experience includes:
  • Handling legacy disputes

  • Legacy fundraising activity

  • Advising donors on leaving a legacy to a charity

If your organisation requires further advice and guidance regarding legacy management, we recommend you contact us today

Handling legacy disputes

Our team are well-versed in the handling of charity legacy disputes, from the beginning of claims through to the point of resolution. Our flexible, open-minded approach means the support you receive will be tailored to your unique situation, whether that’s concerning 1975 Act claims, will validity disputes, professional negligence or Court of Protection litigation.

The administration of estates

Our team can handle the administration of an estate from beginning to end, or we can simply provide legal advice on certain aspects.

Administering estates with charities involved can sometimes be a complex and lengthy process. Beneficiaries of the estate in question may bring claims under the Inheritance Act 1975 if they feel they are being inadequately provided for. There may be instances where claims have been made regarding the validity of the will, and whether the testator lacked the capacity to make the will in the first place, or indeed approve the given legacy.

Charities may find themselves having to defend such claims in order to receive what they’re entitled to, which is where our team can support.

Legacy fundraising activity

Your organisation may require advice regarding both the internal and external perceptions of your fundraising policy, which is something we can support with. We recognise the importance of best practice in this area and will help you create an airtight policy that protects your brand.

In terms of protecting your organisation, there is also the concept of GDPR and data to consider. Our team can advise on data compliance and help you maintain a positive reputation while using your data for fundraising activities.

We can also support with:
  • Legacy fundraising campaigns

  • Crowdfunding and other monetary streams

  • Commercial relationships and fundraisers

Advising donors on leaving a legacy to a charity

Our expertise also extends to the donor/testator and their plans for including legacy donations to charity in their will. It’s important that the testator has open, honest conversations with their family and next of kin, to ensure everybody involved in the will understands the testator’s final wishes with regard to their charitable legacy.

We will also advise the donor/testator on the legal implications and regulations surrounding charity legacies.

Further charity legacy management support

Reputational management

If a legacy is disputed, careful handling and consideration are paramount. The last thing you wish for in any such event is brand damage. As such, we can leverage our Public Relations team to provide guidance and support should a legacy dispute occur.


We recognise many charities have limited resources, which can make legacy sector recruitment difficult. Because of this, we encourage you to view us as an extension of your team, where we can provide support with many different matters. We can also advise on HR-related issues.

Who we work with

We work with a number of large national charitable organisations, providing legal support and guidance regarding contentious legacy issues. Our work with Battersea Dogs and Cats Home involves providing ongoing support with 1975 Act claims and will validity disputes, and assisting in circumstances where members of this organisation have been appointed as executors. We also sponsor the Association of Dogs and Cats Homes conference and have delivered workshops on legacy and GDPR governance.

Get in touch

Our team has a wealth of experience in supporting charities, particularly regarding charity legacy disputes and charity legacy management. We stay up to date with the industry and issues that the sector may be facing, and bear these in mind when providing a tailored, flexible service.

How can we help?

Our expert lawyers are ready to help you with a wide range of legal services, use the search below or call us on: 0330 024 0333