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18 January 2023 | 18:00 - 21:00

Shakespeare Martineau and Marrons are delighted to announce the launch of their latest White Paper, More than Stores: Britain’s Town Centres on the Operating Table, at an exclusive launch event on the 18 January 2023 at No11 Cavendish Square, London, 18:00pm – 21:00pm.

As a central pillar of the Government’s strategy to Level Up nationwide living standards, town centre regeneration is a complex, subjective and place-based challenge with no one-size-fits-all solution to support sustainable growth. Without the virtue of a standard blueprint, developers, planners, architects and local authorities must collaborate more than they ever have before; look further forward than they ever have before, and explore, imagine and implement creative approaches to town regeneration that reflect the intergenerational makeup of Britain’s market towns.

At the launch, we’ll be revealing our Regeneration Index, ranking the 50 leading sustainable market towns where investment would reap the greatest returns. More than Stores also re-considers the form and function of town centres beyond their retail appeal.

The report highlights seven principal ‘anchors’ that need to be considered alongside retail revival to stimulate sustainable, cost-effective growth of our market towns, including housing for rent and for sale, later living in town centres, primary healthcare on the high street, flexible offices, education, logistics and repurposing heritage for new community uses.

Sustainable regeneration should be an opportunity to diversity:

Key Topics Covered
  • How can we move beyond a retail perspective on town centre regeneration?

  • What does a sustainable town centre look like and how do we balance a mixture of uses to promote diversification?

  • Is there a 'perfect formula' for town centre regeneration?

Who Should Attend

Investors, developers, housing operators, retail providers, planning directors, operations directors, property directors,

Our Speakers

Sarah Walker-Smith

Chief Executive Officer

Alex Smith

Partner & Managing Director

Guest Speakers

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