About This Webinar

9 November 2022 | 09:30 - 10:00

What happens when an ICO complaint for a failure to comply with a right of access lands on your desk?

The right to gain access to one’s own personal data is a very valuable one and a right that is being exercised increasingly. Fulfilling that right, however, can be an onerous and sometimes bewildering task.

Responding to complaints referred to the ICO by dissatisfied data subjects is time-consuming and exercising a modicum of diligence in dealing with them is ultimately likely to be more resource-effective.

In this short webinar, we looked at the extent of this right and decide what is personal data, plus:

Key Topics Covered
  • The search for data

  • Refusing access

  • Access to deleted data

Who Should Attend

Data protection officers, data controllers, compliance and risk officers, and in-house legal teams responsible for responding to ICO data complaints

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