
The art and science of creating more effective boards: Creating value with board evaluations

The art and science of creating more effective boards: Creating value with board evaluations

The speaker is Dr Sabine Dembkowski from Better Boards, an independent consultant specialised in developing boards, executive committees and executives that aspire to a board position.  She will discuss:

  • the status of research of effective boards
  • how the new guide for boards that places greater emphasis on behaviour and culture can be brought to life
  • the levers board members can pull to increase their impact in the boardroom
  • what boards can do collectively to become more effective, and
  • a research-driven and evidence-based approach for conducting Board Evaluations.

Dr Dembkowski is credited with having identified the seven hallmarks of effective boards and for having developed an innovative online tool that takes board evaluations to the next level.   Her approach to conducting board evaluations is at present the only one that is based on academic research, peer-reviewed and published in the US, UK and across Europe.

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