Managing long term sickness absence – Leicester
Absence in the workplace (often mental health related) continues to have an important impact on productivity for many companies and is a query we are regularly asked to advise upon. Not only does this affect profitability, numerous other issues arise from long term sickness absence and mental health related concerns, which need to be handled correctly to reduce the risk of Tribunal claims and disability discrimination.
This roundtable breakfast session is aimed at senior HR Managers and business owners to highlight key issues around managing long term absence at work and will provide an informal setting for attendees to share experiences and to discuss how best to handle such concerns.
Providing you with guidance for dealing with such issues to minimise the risk of ET claims, our employment law experts will remind you of the key steps to take in managing long-term absence and in tackling stress related absences from work. This in turn will help you tackle absence issues in the workplace without letting the situation drift or putting decisions on hold, for fear of ending up on the receiving end of a disability related claim or other litigation.
By the end of this session, attendees will have had a chance to share concerns and experiences around such absence issues, and will leave with clarity over how best to handle long term sickness absence in the workplace.
Places are limited, so please book early to secure your place.
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