Inheritance & Trusts Disputes Solicitors

Our legal experts have extensive experience dealing with trust disputes

With increasing financial pressures and decreasing returns on savings, people are becoming more reliant on inherited wealth and fighting for their share if they feel short-changed. That fact, coupled with the increasing number of complex family structures and an ageing population, has resulted in a significant rise in these sorts of inheritance disputes. Dealing with the death of a loved one can be difficult, but even more so if you feel that a family member’s wishes have not been fulfilled.

Can a will be contested?

Disputes over wills can arise in a number of circumstances such as:

  • Was the individual capable of making a Will?
  • Has the Will been executed correctly, i.e. is it valid?
  • A relative or someone close to the deceased does not feel that they have been adequately provided for under the Will or intestacy.
  • Claims often need to be made within six months of the grant of representation being issued. As such, executors often wait until this timeframe has expired before distributing the estate.

Our inheritance dispute lawyers will work hard to achieve the positive results you need. We are one of only a few firms that have members of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP); meaning we can support you on inheritance and trusts disputes – large and small. No matter where you are on your journey, contact us today using the button below.

Wherever you are on your journey, our legal advisors can help. Call us today on 0330 024 0333 or use the button below to complete our contact form.

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How our Inheritance & Trusts Disputes experts can help

Why choose Shakespeare Martineau?

  • Known for our personal touch, we know that inheritance can be a sensitive subject. Our inheritance solicitors will advise you on a range of options to resolve your dispute quickly and smoothly.
  • Our inheritance lawyers have all of the expertise you need and will always be on hand to advise you on a wide range of issues.
  • Members of our inheritance disputes team along with a few firms across the UK our members of the Association of Contentious Trust and Probate Specialists (ACTAPS) and the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).
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Inheritance & Trusts Disputes frequently asked questions

The reasons for bringing an inheritance claim can be broad and varied, from questions over the validity of wills, including mental capacity issues and undue influence, to claims for financial provision and disputes with executors. No matter the cause of your dispute, inheritance solicitors can talk you through the process and your options and resolve the conflict for you, whether through mediation, negotiation, or court proceedings.

There are many different types of trust that can be set up depending on how you want to control your assets. The main types of trust are:

• Bare Trusts
• Interest In Possession Trusts
• Discretionary Trusts
• Accumulation Trusts
• Mixed Trusts
• Settlor-Interested Trusts
• Non-Resident Trusts

You can read more about each of the trusts, including an example of when you may consider using one, on the website.

A trust is a legal arrangement where you give your assets (such as cash, property or investments) to someone else so they can look after them for the benefit of a third person.

They can be used as a way of protecting your wealth and maintaining its value for the benefit of others, as well as a way of protecting your assets for your own benefit, such as the impact on your personal tax affairs.

You can read more about trusts and the top ten things to consider before preparing a trust here.

There are many benefits of a trust, and each type will have different advantages depending on personal circumstance. A few examples of benefits include:

• To protect your wealth and pass on assets when you die
• For efficient inheritance tax planning
• To provide for those who are too young to legally inherit and manage their own affairs or assets.
• To support someone who can’t manage their own money, either because they aren’t good with money management, or because they lack mental capacity to do so.

You can read more about trusts and why you should consider one here.

Examples of inheritance and trust disputes can be broad and varied; from questions over the validity of wills, to claims for financial provision and disputes with executors.

Common scenarios in which trustees and beneficiaries may encounter disputes include:

• A beneficiary was expecting more than what is set out in the trust document
• The trust was set up by an individual who was not of sound mind at the time of setting it up
• The individual who set up the trust was provided with negligent or misleading advice
• The trust document is either incomplete or unclear about the wishes of the deceased
• A trustee acts against the best interests of the beneficiary, or doesn’t administering the trust correctly

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How the Inheritance & Trusts Disputes process works

Not everyone is aware of how the process of engaging Inheritance & Trusts Disputes solicitors works, so we’ve provided an overview below to give you some peace of mind

  1. The first stage is to get in touch with us using the button below – you will then be assigned to one of our Inheritance & Trusts Disputes specialists. Alternatively, you can reach us on 0330 024 0333.

  2. You’ll then receive a free 15-minute consultation within 24 hours via Zoom or telephone to discuss the issues you’re facing.

  3. You are then provided with a transparent breakdown of our costs and, if you would like to proceed, we send you a pack of onboarding documents

  4. Following this, we will guide and support you through the process of achieving a resolution that works for you and your family.

Wherever you are on your journey, our Inheritance & Trusts Disputes specialists are here to answer any questions you might have

If you’d like to speak to a member of our team, please fill out the enquiry form. We will aim to reply to your query within 2 hours

Need to talk to someone sooner? You can call use at the number below

Call Us: 0330 024 0333

Featured Wills, Trusts, Estates services


Establishing a trust is often a sensible way to protect your wealth and maintain its value for the benefit of your loved ones over a long period of time. Our team of specialists will help you decide how to invest your money and benefit your family.

Personal Tax Planning

We have been working with wealthy individuals and their families for many years so whether you are an individual or part of a family with or without business interests, our team offers personalised tax planning and preparation services tailored to your specific circumstances.

Our latest Inheritance & Trusts Disputes updates

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